Generative AI and LLM: What's the difference?

· 3 min read
Felo Search

Generative AI and LLM are both part of the AI technology family, but have different characteristics in terms of their capabilities and areas of application: Generative AI extends to multi-format content generation, while LLM is particularly strong in text generation and natural language processing. The combination of these technologies further expands the range of AI applications and creates a variety of tools to support human activity and creativity.

Generative AI and LLM are both hot areas of AI technology, but each has different roles and capabilities.

Generative AI, also called "generative AI," is a general term for AI technologies that can create new content. Generative AI is like a creative machine, capable of generating a variety of outputs based on learned data.

LLMs are a type of Generative AI that specializes in text processing and generation, LLMs excel at understanding language, providing coherent responses to prompts and questions, and creating a variety of creative text forms, such as poems, codes, scripts, and musical compositions. However, unlike Generative AI in general, it is not capable of creating non-textual content such as images.


  • Basic Functionality:.- Generative AI is used to generate content in a variety of formats.
    • LLM is primarily focused on text generation.
  • Scope of Application:.- Generative AI is used in a wide variety of creative fields, including art, music, and visual content creation.
    • LLM is well suited for text-based tasks such as natural language understanding, text generation, translation, and information extraction.
  • Technical Structure:.- Generative AI uses a variety of algorithms (RNN, GAN, Diffusion, etc.) to learn a wide range of data formats and generate new data.
    • LLM uses deep learning techniques to analyze vast amounts of textual data and learn patterns in natural language.

To understand the relationship between Generative AI and LLM, the analogy of a large umbrella and a language-specific umbrella is helpful: Generative AI is like a large umbrella that can generate many different types of content. Generative AI is like a big umbrella that can produce many different types of content, while LLM is like a language-specific umbrella under the big umbrella of Generative AI, specializing in language processing and generation.

Examples of Generative AI and LLM

  • Generative AI- Generate ideas for new products and services
    • Automatic generation of advertisements and marketing materials
    • Generating chatbot conversations with customers
    • Automatic composition and generation of music and images
  • LLM- Automated customer service
    • Text summarization and translation
    • Creation of news articles and blog posts
    • Creative writing of fiction and poetry

Generative AI and LLM will undoubtedly continue to evolve. These technologies are expected to be used in various aspects of our lives and work.


Generative AI and LLM are AI technologies with different roles and capabilities, but both have the potential to help enrich our lives and work. Let us continue to focus on the evolution and utilization of these technologies.