How to use Felo AI Search in the data analysis process: prompts and examples for analysts

· 5 min read
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Want to enhance your data analysis workflow? Here are five ways to leverage Felo AI Search throughout the data analysis process.

Want to enhance your data analysis workflow? Here are five ways to leverage Felo AI Search throughout the data analysis process.

When planning your data collection strategy, you'll need a comprehensive plan. Use Felo AI Search to help generate ideas for data sources and collection methods. Here's how:

1. Go to the Felo AI Search homepage.
2. Provide context about your analysis project and prompt the AI to suggest data collection methods. Include any relevant constraints or requirements.
3. Click the search button to run the query and generate suggestions.
4. Review the output and refine as needed. If the results aren't satisfactory, try rephrasing your query or adding more specific instructions.

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2. Use Felo AI Search for industry benchmarking

Felo AI Search can assist in kickstarting your analysis project with some industry benchmarking.

Use it to identify key performance indicators (KPIs) and industry standards. This is useful for setting realistic goals and understanding your position in the market.

Let's try an example for the e-commerce industry:

1. Start by identifying common KPIs. Enter a query like: "Top 10 KPIs for e-commerce businesses, their definitions and importance"
2. Next, ask Felo AI Search to provide industry benchmarks. Try: "Provide average values and benchmarks for key e-commerce KPIs across different business sizes"

Use Felo AI Search to summarize recent market reports and trend analyses. This can quickly give you insights into industry trends and potential areas for further investigation.

1. Choose an industry and prompt Felo AI Search to analyze recent reports. For example: "Summarize key findings from recent market reports on the e-commerce industry"
2. Use Felo AI Search to find emerging trends. Try: "Identify emerging trends in data analytics for e-commerce businesses in the past year"

4. Research statistical methods and best practices

Felo AI Search can help you quickly research any topic, expand your knowledge, and access information on statistical methods and best practices.

Try prompts like:
- "Explain time series analysis methods with examples for retail sales forecasting"
- "Best practices for data cleaning and preprocessing in Python"
- "Checklist for ensuring data quality in large datasets"

5. Use Felo AI Search to find and compare data analysis tools

Need to find the best data analysis tools for a particular task? Use Felo AI Search to compare different options and find the most suitable tool for the job.

Enter a query like: "Compare top data visualization tools for business intelligence, including price, pros and cons, and key features"

6. Generate SQL queries and data manipulation formulas

Felo AI Search can be a valuable tool for data analysts when it comes to writing SQL queries and creating formulas for data manipulation. Here's how you can leverage it:

SQL Query Generation

When you need to extract specific data from a database, Felo AI Search can help you draft SQL queries. Here's an example:

1. Describe your data structure and what you want to achieve. For instance: "Generate an SQL query to select the top 5 customers by total purchase amount in the last quarter. The database has tables named 'customers', 'orders', and 'order_items'."

2. Felo AI Search might return something like this:

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3. Review the generated query and adjust as needed for your specific database structure.

Data Manipulation Formulas

Felo AI Search can also assist in creating complex formulas for data manipulation in spreadsheets or other tools. For example:

1. Describe the calculation you need. For instance: "Create an Excel formula to calculate the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over a 5-year period, given starting and ending values."

2. Felo AI Search might provide:

=((End_Value / Start_Value)^(1/5)) - 1

3. It might also explain how to use the formula:
  "Replace 'End_Value' with the cell containing the final year's value, and 'Start_Value' with the cell containing the initial year's value. The result will be the CAGR as a decimal (multiply by 100 for percentage)."

By leveraging Felo AI Search for these tasks, you can save time on query writing and formula creation, allowing you to focus more on data analysis and interpretation. Remember to always verify and test the generated code or formulas to ensure they meet your specific requirements and work correctly with your data structure.

## The takeaway

Felo AI Search is a powerful research assistant that can analyze online information quickly, summarize key points, and generate custom responses to your queries.

This can streamline many aspects of the data analysis process—from industry benchmarking and planning data collection to learning about statistical methods and finding the right tools.